CLUBHOUSE kid & craft Classes
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$ 115.00
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The week you've all been waiting for: our GIFT MAKING MARATHONS! We will spend the day getting crafty & making gifts for our loved ones, sipping on cocoa, singing carols, covering the classroom in glitter, and getting into the holiday spirit.
This marathon is lengthy, so make sure to pack a lunch! We will provide cocoa + a little snack :)
We don't want to spoil too many surprises but we will make projects like: Ornaments, jewelry, lip balm, candles, lanterns, wrapping paper, and more! It's gonna be a blast. You may need a second tree for all the goodies your kiddo's will bring home. Your kids will be so proud to give their handmade goodies to their loved ones!
- check out our calendar for other dates! -
The waiver can be found here!